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**Privacy Policy**

Last Updated: 08/04/2024

Your privacy is important to us at ClassySoul. Here's a simple breakdown of how we handle your information:

**What We Collect:**

- Your Info: When you shop with us or sign up, we collect basic details like your name, email, and address to process your orders.
- Device Stuff: We automatically gather technical info about your device, like your IP address and browser type, to make sure our website runs smoothly.
- Cookies: We use cookies (not the yummy kind) to track your browsing activity and improve your experience on our site.
- Extra Bits: Any extra info you share with us, like feedback or preferences, helps us serve you better.

**How We Use Your Info:**

- Order Processing: We use your details to process your orders, keep you updated, and assist with any issues you might have.
- Making Things Better: Your info helps us understand what you like and how we can improve our products and services.
- Sending Good Stuff: With your permission, we'll send you emails about new products, sales, and other cool stuff we think you'll like.
- Following the Rules: Sometimes we need to use your info to follow the law or respond to legal requests.

**Sharing Your Info:**

- Trusted Partners: We might share your info with trusted partners (like shipping companies) to get your orders to you.

That's it! Your trust means everything to us, so we're committed to keeping your info safe and using it responsibly. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.
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